8 June 2007

Little miss worst case scenario

It turns out I had nothing to worry about! The apartment is no longer in the red light - the ladies of the night moved west when the tram lines went in on the street outside two years ago. So now all we're looking at is a great apartment on a lovely street well within our price range and with absolutely everything we could want including two big bedrooms and a south facing balcony.

So, we're taking it. Done deal! It feels like we've been on a wheel of good fortune for the past two weeks and turning this down in favour of shopping around would cause all sorts of karmic anger. Not that we could turn this down, mind. So hello Dublin 7!

Now to important things like finding a decent local and the nearest Tesco...


Katherine said...

Ah you're near me so! I'll be seeing you down the Italian!

Catherine said...

Ah deadly buzz. Haven't a clue where anything is and it looks like I might be on my own for the first week so you might have to draw me a map!