17 March 2007

And, we lost

Today is probably the closest Ireland have come to winning the SIx Nations in my rugby watching life... but, we still lost. Just about. A combination of rubbish Irish team decisions and an unbelievably controversial French finish means that we've lost on points difference and I am inconsolable. I'm currently attempting to cheer myself up with chocolate mini eggs and Bridget Jones's Diary 2, but I've still got a killer headache and am supposed to be heading out again in less than two hours and would really rather stay in and wallow and finish the mini eggs. Who knew rugby could make a girl so moody?


Katherine said...

I rarely watch rugby but today was great fun. A French guy even threw some bread at Mal for cheering for Scotland.

Catherine said...

How very French! We got sat beside a Dutch guy who had rather unusually divided loyalties - he said he always cheered for Ireland except when France were playing so hooted away along with the rest of us during our match and then spent the second match laughing at us. What a git!