Amsterdam, 2003-2007: Bugger all on TV. Especially not Scrubs. Maybe three new episodes viewed "legally"; the rest acquired "by other means".
Dublin, tonight, 9pm: Four different episodes of Scrubs ON FOUR DIFFERENT CHANNELS.
a) I wish we had a PVR and
b) it's good to be home.
20 July 2007
written by
12:13 a.m.
17 July 2007
8 July 2007
Oh yes, I'm really this much of a nerd
At gate. Using wireless that costs EUR6 for half an hour. Chatting with Amsterfriends online as if nothing has changed. But oh boy it has. See you on the other side!
7 July 2007
36 hours to go
Still to do:
- cancel gym membership
- hawk bags of clothes to charity bins
- attempt to cram a large suitcase's worth of clothes into a teeny tiny suitcase
- attend wedding of one of the first people I met here
- one last Sunday breakfast
It's happening!
3 July 2007
Packing. Eugh.
Only four boxes done so far and they already exceed my body weight. Where did all this stuff come from? And I haven't even started on the clothes and shoes yet...
Update: the final total weight = 135kg. That's two of me! Two of me!
2 July 2007
Bad timing
Yesterday I realised one of my worst Amsterdam fears and fell down half a flight of the very steep stairs that lead to my apartment. I was in a hurry to get out and was rocking out to my ipod when I misjudged one step and found myself careening down the remaining half flight from the 3rd to the 2nd floor. I managed to put my right arm out and grabbed the bannister, which brought me to a halt on the bottom step without having hit my head. Unfortunately I seem to have now pulled every muscle in my right arm (making even typing this tricky), which, considering the amount of lifting and hawking my next days will involve, is nothing short of crap timing. I've got about ten bags of rubbish ready for the weekly pickup tonight already, and I haven't even started on the top floor of the apartment yet. Two nurofen now and a hot bath later will help - I hope!